Meet Our Team
Terry Anderson Girard MS, RD, LDN
Celebrating 50 years of Food and Nutrition experience, Terry is the founder of Anderson Nutrition Services. She has worked with a variety of clients in venues such as: Hospitals, Long Term Care, Assisted Living, Adult Day Health Centers, Independent Living, Community Meals on Wheels and Congregate Dining Programs, and Rehabilitation and Recovery Programs. Terry is an insightful and talented Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. She has extensive knowledge and experience in:
- Nutrition Consulting and Management
- Food Service Management for Multi Units
- Clinical Nutrition Services
- Nutrition Education

Kerri Cook, MS, RD, LDN
Vice President for Human Resources
Kerri is a skilled and compassionate RD Nutritionist. Kerri oversees the credentialing process for RDN and Diet Tech Consultants, ensuring that we are up to date on the latest, most relevant and important issues in nutrition. She has extensive experience in:
- Clinical and Community Nutrition
- Outpatient Nutrition Services
- Nutrition Services in Long Term Care
Katrina Mancebo RD, LDN
Communications Specialist
Katrina is an experienced Registered Dietitian in many areas including clinical, community and outpatient nutrition. In addition, Katrina leads the translation services team, oversees all interns and communications for the company. She works with Anderson Nutrition Services providing Clinical Nutrition Consulting Services in:
- Long Term Care
- Assisted Living Facilities
- Adult Day Health Centers

Lisa Ciarametaro, RD, LDN
Remote Specialist
Lisa is a highly experienced RD who oversees our services in remote nutrition assessment and documentation.
Rebecca Turner Cunningham, MBA, RD
Menu Specialist
Rebecca is a highly experienced RD in Food Service Management. She leads a team of four RDs in providing all types of menus and recipe analyses for Anderson Nutrition Services.
Menu services include all types of menus to meet CACFP, LTC- CMS, Menus for Rest Homes, Assisted Living and Menus to meet Dietary Guidelines. We also provide menu plans for individuals.
Liz Richard, MS, RDN, LDN, CNSC
Clinical Nutrition Specialist
Liz Richard is a registered dietitian who serves as the Clinical Consultant for Anderson Nutrition Services.
She provides services in Adult Day Health programs, rehabilitation, sub-acute, and acute care facilities in the greater Boston area. Liz has a background in clinical nutrition and is a Certified Nutrition Support Clinician, with special interests and training in oncology, sports nutrition, wellness, and medical nutrition therapy.
Renee Brunelle, RD, LDN
Nutrition Specialist for Assisted Living Programs
Renee is a highly experienced RD who provides clinical and food service consultation to our Long Term Care Centers, Assisted Living Centers and Rest Homes. She is available for special nutrition presentations by request.
Jennifer Stinson, RD
Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner
Jennifer is a Registered Dietitian and also a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
Jennifer has several years of experience in Long Term Care, School Nutrition, Telehealth and Home Health. She leads a team of four RDs to provide Lifestyle and Wellness Services in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
Christine Robinson MEd, RD, LDN
Christine is a highly experienced RD who oversees all educational programing and materials development for Anderson Nutrition Services. She also provides consulting services to Long Term Care- Adult Day Health Facilities-Rest Homes-Assited Living Centers